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Ionic 2 by Example - Create Mobile Apps in HTML5
1. Introduction
Course overview (4:19)
Required tools for Web Development
Source code and Questions
2. First App: Love Calculator
Project introduction (1:58)
Creating a project (3:04)
Project structure (6:10)
Theme and colours (5:25)
Input components (5:43)
Card component and custom styles (6:40)
Property bindings (4:24)
Calculating the score (7:00)
Ionicons and platform styles (6:44)
3. Building as a (Progressive) Web App
Building as a Web App for production (8:20)
Deploying to Firebase Hosting (7:35)
Progressive Web Apps (7:45)
Web App Manifest (9:02)
Service Workers (10:56)
4. Building as a Native Mobile App
Ionic View (7:48)
Cordova's config.xml (5:13)
Required tools for Android Development
Building for Android (4:23)
Running on Android (5:56)
Developing/Debugging on Android (6:51)
Required tools for iOS Development
Running on iOS with Xcode (9:11)
Running on iOS from the command line (4:28)
Building for Windows Phone
Icon and Splash Screen images (8:02)
5. Cordova Plugins and Ionic Native
Cordova plugins and Ionic Native (7:44)
Finding and installing a Cordova plugin (3:35)
Using the Contacts plugin (8:07)
6. Second App: Expense Tracker
Project setup (2:04)
Item list (6:43)
Date and currency pipes (5:04)
Clickable items (6:06)
Adding a new page (8:34)
Navigation parameters (6:45)
Edit form (5:38)
Datetime input (4:09)
Numeric input (4:24)
Select options (4:57)
Adding a Service (5:12)
Defining a model object (3:46)
Object IDs (7:44)
Save button (6:06)
Floating Action Buttons (FABs) (4:09)
Saving a new item (8:19)
Form validation (5:02)
Deleting an item (5:02)
Confirmation dialog with AlertController (5:48)
7. Storing Data
Data storage options (8:44)
Importing the UUID library (7:33)
Local Storage overview (5:46)
Saving expenses to Local Storage (6:58)
IndexedDB overview (11:11)
Setting up Dexie (8:35)
Reading data asynchronously (3:24)
More Dexie Table operations (6:25)
8. HTTP Requests and Backend Integration
REST backend project (4:12)
REST API operations (5:31)
Angular HTTP Client (6:59)
POST and PUT requests (8:09)
Adding a Login page (5:36)
Authentication Service (5:17)
Remembering the authentication (6:13)
JWT - JSON Web Tokens (6:16)
Obtaining an access token (10:37)
Sending the Authorization header (6:42)
Form validation
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