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Angular 2 From The Ground Up
Course Overview (3:51)
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First Application
Technical Requirements
Writing a Component (12:41)
Composing Components (8:56)
Writing a Service (11:10)
Dependency Injection (6:57)
Change Detection (6:09)
File Modules (9:12)
Technical Requirements
ES6 Specification (4:46)
Project Setup with NPM and Babel (6:02)
Multiline Strings, Arrow Functions, Let and Const (7:38)
Classes, Decorators (7:54)
ES6 Modules (12:00)
Further ES6 Resources
TypeScript Language (8:38)
Type Annotations (10:30)
Private Modifier (4:49)
Further TypeScript Resources
ES5 vs ES6 vs TypeScript (7:11)
Post-RC5 Notice
Property Binding (7:37)
Properties vs Attributes (6:38)
Event Binding (9:05)
Two-Way Binding (10:21)
Class and Style Binding (10:23)
Helper Service (8:33)
Component Property Binding (7:40)
ngFor Directive (8:16)
Component Event and Two-Way Binding (12:39)
ngIf Directive (7:12)
Built-in Pipes (8:33)
Writing a Pipe (9:12)
Form Validation
HTML5 Form Validation (11:24)
ng-valid/ng-invalid (10:31)
Validation Messages (10:22)
NgForm Submission (7:03)
Writing a Directive (10:29)
Directive Custom Events (11:09)
HTTP Client and Backend Integration
Using the HTTP Client (13:29)
ES6 Promises (19:14)
Rx Observables (16:36)
REST APIs and Firebase (12:17)
Post-RC5 Notice
Retrieving Data (13:18)
Creating Data (11:24)
Deleting Data (6:29)
Updating Data (12:01)
Error Handling (10:18)
Production-Ready Build Workflow
Build Workflow Requirements (5:28)
Angular CLI (7:45)
Post-RC5 Notice
NPM Packages (10:51)
TypeScript Compiler and Typings (12:05)
NPM Scripts (6:22)
Webpack (10:45)
Webpack Dev Server (8:16)
Webpack Define Plugin (10:00)
Webpack Require (8:29)
Template Loader (6:03)
More Webpack Customisations
Ahead-of-Time (AoT) Template Compilation
Upgrading Angular Dependencies (9:29)
Routing and Navigation
Angular Tunes (9:01)
Navigation with ngSwitch (10:19)
Angular Router (13:00)
Route Parameters (12:12)
Exercise: Albums
Guards (14:01)
Query Parameters (7:55)
HTML5 History API (9:18)
Unit Testing
Guess The Word (4:27)
Jasmine Tests (13:54)
Karma Test Runner (16:17)
Karma Watch (12:57)
TestBed Setup (10:26)
Testing Templates (7:08)
Appendix: Node.js Installation
Installing NodeJS on Windows (5:03)
Installing NodeJS on Mac (8:39)
Jasmine Tests
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